About Bug & Worm 
Bug Worm

I created Bug & Worm as tiny animated GIFs back in 1997 when I first learned how to make an animated GIF. They were silly and just a tiny bit violent but I liked them a lot. Here are two of my favorites (again, the image size is TINY so they're probably very hard to see on today's screens):


Later, in 2005, I decided I wanted to try and make a web comic. I liked the idea of doing a pixel strip so I resurrected Bug & Worm. I posted the pixel strips for a few years but eventually decided I wanted to try and draw them by hand, too. In 2008 I broke the site up so it would show multiple comics and began posting the hand-drawn Bug & Worm Adventures along with the pixel strips. In 2009 I added a third strip called Bug & Worm Clippings where I was going to try and have them do a little news type show but it didn't really work out (I'm not reposting those strips anywhere).

Even though I enjoying creating Bug & Worm I felt like it wasn't going anywhere. I started another comic called LAIR OF THE LIZARDMIN and decided to work on it an move away from Bug & Worm for a while. I occasionally went back and made a few new Bug & Worm strips hoping to get it going again but I didn't stick with it like I should have.

In 2017 the account I use to host Bug & Worm was hacked and I had to take down the entire site. Instead of trying to rebuild the whole site I decided to just put together Bug & Worm's Greatest Hits. I've recently been contemplating trying to get something Bug & Worm going again but we'll just have to see what happens...

Al B. Moore
July 3, 2017
©2017 Allen B. Moore